Update Corona Maatregelen

In recent weeks and now we are in a very bizarre situation. No one can escape it and everyone is touched by it. Yesterday, the measures for physiotherapy were tightened. Our companies, ICL Arbeid and ICL Fysio, the companies where you are a patient / client, have also taken measures to ensure that care is as safe as possible for everyone. As of today we have to help people remotely as much as possible. Only if the urgent advice of a doctor has been given to treat hands on, will we offer this.

What does this mean to you?

Our employees are ready to help people. Especially in these difficult times, it is important to properly guide people with complaints. That is why our colleagues continue to work. Our physiotherapists, physical counselors, psychosocial trainers, occupational experts and reintegration coaches work entirely in accordance with the RIVM guidelines. Agreements have been made with the health insurers regarding the consultations that we provide remotely with regard to reimbursement by the KNGF (Royal Dutch Society for Physiotherapy). We have the ability to remotely assist both new and existing clients and patients. We do this by:

referrers, patients and clients without any obligation to speak by telephone with questions, 

to think along as a sparring partner,

conduct intake interviews remotely (physiotherapy, physical training, psychosocial training or reintegration coaching, 

make appointments to make video calls, 

forwarding home assignments and supervising them remotely, 

continue progress in rehabilitation,

to provide videos with instructions for people within a physiotherapy program or rehabilitation program, 

exercises on paper with instructions for the elderly or people who do not have a computer within a physiotherapy program or rehabilitation program,

the physical and psychosocial trainer, occupational expert and reintegration coaches conduct the evaluation interviews / progress interviews / psychosocial interviews by telephone. 

Our experience of the last two weeks shows that our patients / clients really enjoy and appreciate that their guidance does not come to a standstill, but that they can be guided from a distance. This benefits both the patient and the client, but also the practitioner, because in this way the progress of the recovery / rehabilitation / reintegration can be guaranteed. 

Do you have questions about what this means for you? Contact your practitioner. Our secretaries can also be reached by phone. 

ICL Physio: 043-3473555

ICL Labor: 043-3030040

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